Monday, May 12, 2014

Market Watch 5/12/14

I buy my stocks depending on the rise of that certain stock, I go for stocks that are slowly rising and watch them carefully.

Monday, April 14, 2014


What career would you like to have? Look up the annual salary of that career. 
I would like to become a electrical engineer, which makes roughly $87,000 per year.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Obama is going to sign two executive actions that will strengthen equal pay laws. This will make it easier for colleagues to figured out how much their co-workers are being payed, in which they will know if they are being payed equally. This will only apply to companies that have federal contracts. One action will prohibit federal contracts of firing.

Citizenship Test 4/7/14

You got 24 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 96 %

Monday, April 7, 2014


Three things an immigrant should have to do before becoming a U.S. citizen should be: to love american food, stay within the U.S. for at least 5 years, and know the difference between football and soccer.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hw from 4/2/14

Discriminating picture:

What is happening in the picture?
Within this picture it shows that a restaurant that doesn't serve Japanese.

Whats going on inAmerica at this time?
World War II was either happening or ending around this time in America.

What do the peoples faces reflect?
Their faces reflect hate towards Japanese people at the time.

Give an example of how this might happen today.
This could happen today if America went to war with any foreign country.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I believe the most difficult thing about this discrimination  project is that my group, Asian-Americans, have to do everything together like raising your hand or putting are computers away.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Notes 4/1/14-4/8/14

  • A heterogeneous society is composed of different people or cultures.
  • An immigrant is a person that assumed to be legal within a different country.
  • Reservation is public land given to the native Americans  by the government.
  • A refugee is somebody that moves to another country to seek protection.
  • Assimilation is when you change your culture to adapt to a different culture.
  • populations that have grown would be: African american, Hispanic and Asian american.
  • Minority populations exceed white populations in Texas and California.
  • More females then men 
  • African Americans have been treated bad longer then most 
  • American settlers have brought diseases that hurt Indian population
  • Poverty  plagues many reservations today
  • Hispanic Americans have a Spanish speaking background  
  • Chinese laborers often faced violence due to taking whites jobs
  • Railroads were being built by Chinese laborers 
  • Chinese exclusion act of 1882 lasted for 80 years
  • All Japanese were evacuated from the u.s.
  • Congress eventually admitted that it was wrong to do so
  • Those who oppose Civil rights often believe you cant change morality
  • Judicial decrees may not change the heart but they can restrain the heartless
  • 1870-1950: no meaningful legislation
  • Civil rights act of 1964 passed after 83 days
  • Voting provisions were changed^
  • public services^
  • federal funding programs^
  • employers and labor unions can also not discriminate^
  • 1968=housing act- cannot refuse selling living space to a person due to race or religion 
  • Equal opportunities must be given to both women and men
  • Affirmative action requires employers to take positive steps to fix the affects of past discrimination
  • employers must meet quotas
  • reverse discrimination  is discrimination against the majority group
  • The Bakke Case  was when Allan Bakke sued the university of California because he was denied access to their medical school 
  • Quotas can be used when needed
  • Within the next 25 years the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary  
  • A citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the u.s.
  • before 1860 citizenship didn't matter
  • constitution declares that a person becomes an american citizen in two way: by birth or naturalization
  • 90% of Americans are citizens  by birth
  • naturalization is the legal process by which a person can become a citizen 
  • naturalization is done individually 
  • Congress can not take away your citizenship 
  • marriage does not make you a citizen 
  • congress has exclusive power to regulate the crossing of the nations borders
  • 270,000 immigrants are allowed into the u.s. each year 
  • 670,000 immigrants can today enter the u.s. each year
  • People can be denied entrance to the u.s by there characteristics
  • biggest reason for deportation are, illegal immigrant, or conviction of a serious crime   


This shouldn't be mandatory with any new vehicles that are produced, but should be swayed into manufactures with installing them into new vehicles. I believe that these camera's built into cars would help prevent accidents and would be very helpful with dealing with drivers that are terrible with backing up or paying attention to their surroundings. This system would only be, but helpful to new cars, so I believe it would be a good thing to put within new cars.

Monday, March 31, 2014


I believe racism is still an issue in 2014 these days in many place, including most of  West Virginia. Many people that I know can be very racist towards black people or other common races. These people have always been the same and most likely will not change their ways towards this issue. I believe that racism will always be an issue within society, but will most likely will become better as time goes on.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I don't believe that they should have to serve for life, but they should have to work for a certain amount of years. The american people shouldn't vote for Justices, but they should also not let experienced people choose.

Monday, March 24, 2014


This article is about an outbreak of Ebola that has killed fifty-nine people so far. Experts are not yet sure as to what has caused this outbreak. This outbreak comes with symptoms of vomiting and fever. Health officials are giving free treatment to all patients.  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Supreme Court Cases 3/20/14

Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow
This case was basically about saying the pledge in school and how it was an endorsement to religion within the school. The judge eventually ruled in Newdows favor. Later on though this was reversed.

Bethel School District v. Fraser
Within this case a student from a high school gave a speech, in which was beyond what the first amendment allows one to say. His school subsequently wouldn't allow him to graduate and he was kicked out of school for three days. They later ruled that the school had acted within the constitution with disciplining Fraser.

Grutter v. Bollinger
This case was about a student that didn't get admitted into a college even though having a 3.8 gpa. This student felt that she was being denied due to her race. They ruled the school did not use this with admitting there students and otherwise looked into ones background before accepting them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Notes 3/20/14

  • Inferior courts were created to function beneath the supreme court.
  • The first court would be the district courts
  • There are 94 district courts 
  • there are 12 judicial districts
  • a multi-judge panel is judged by more then one judge
  • District courts do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of supreme court
  • District courts hear both criminal and civil cases
  • Most decisions in the federal district courts are final
  • Some decisions are appealed though
  • Each court has 6-28 judges and 1 supreme court justice is assigned to each district 
  • court of international trade is a federal court the deals with other nations


Which Judicial Philosophy do you agree with- judicial restraint or judicial activism? 

I agree with the Judicial Philosophy of Judicial Activism. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 18 Section 1

Alito. Jr. Samuel Anthony


What is your opinion of Flight 370's disappearance? Is this an issue that should concern America?

My opinion is that the plane had wrecked somewhere within the ocean and never will be found. This issue shouldn't concern America because its not a probable threat to America at this time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


1. Crimea pretty much want's to become a part of Russia and brake off from Ukraine.

2.I don't believe that the u.s. should get involved in this issue, because if Crimea wants to part from the Ukraine they should be able to.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


1. They failed to notify them because the plane was having problems there for they didn't notify them.

2.Possible causes for this plane disappearing could be that it ran into an issue mid flight or a military exercise went wrong, in which they accidently shot the plane down. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Living Room Candidate Questions

1.Who is the ad targeting?
All three of the videos are targeting the people of the united states to vote for a president.

2.Does it send a negative or a positive message?
All three ads present a positive message.

3.Do you think the ad's are effective?
These three ad's are very effective in a way that they each want the people of the united states to vote for them.

4.How are these ad's different then they would be presented now days?
These three ad's would be presented most likely in a more persuasive way now days.

5.Would your vote be affected by campaign ads?
Yes, because people would vote for others if their ad was more compelling than others.


1. Companies shouldn't put people before profits because without making a profit a company won't last very long.

2.The government could try to compel these companies to do so, but they most likely wouldn't do so.


1.I think the main thing that is important within his new budget idea is that people that make at least a million dollars a year would have to pay 30% on taxes.

2. Many people would benefit from this proposed budget.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're going to miss Mr.Grady because he's the best! (notes)

  • The president is the chief of state
  • The president has the most powerful position in the united states
  • The president sets congressional agenda
  • The president leads the executive branch
  • You have to be at least 35 years old to be the president   
  • The 25th amendment made it so the vice president takes over once the president dies.                      
  • The president selects the vice president if this position becomes unoccupied
  • Presidential nominations begin with fundraising
  • Presidential nominations later go in conventions
  • Each state sent delegates based on electoral votes
  • Primaries device is what each party uses to select its nomination for president
  • New Hampshire is always the first primary, in which is typically front loaded like all others
  • Began as winner takes all
  • Caucuses are closed meeting of a political party which gather to select delegates to the national convention
  • The second day of the conventional convention is to note key address's
  • Day three is when the selection or affirmation for vice president candidate is known
  • Nominee characteristics typically they have a long run of political experience
  • Most of the time candidates from larger states win
  • Perception matters when it comes to running for president

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Notes on Executive Branch-3/5/14

  • executive branch includes the president, vice president, and his cabinet.
  • The president is responsible for carrying out laws.
Chief of State
  • acts as the ceremonial head of gov.
Chief Executive
  • has power both domestically and abroad.
-To be the president you have to be a natural  born citizen, 35 years of age and have to live within the united states for 14 years.

-Presidential term-
-4 years
-use to be no limit
-George Washington set the precedent that refused presidents to seek a third term
-FDR broke this precedent
-22nd amendment keeps this from happening now

Presidential pay is decided by congress.
-cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term.
-the president can not receive any other pay.
  • extras
  • White house
  • air force one
  • personal bodyguards
  • health care
Important slides
  1. The 25th amendment made it law that if the president died the vice president would take control.
  2. In event of a disability the vice president assumes role of president.
  3. The vice president is known as the president in waiting.The vice president can not be fired by the president.
  4. The president appoints a new vice president if he dies
  5. The election of 1800 was the first tie in the presidential election, both with the amount of 73 votes.
  6. The election of 1800 made the 12th amendment.


The Vice President would come into order after the president dies and then others under the Vice President would follow.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I believe that college athletes are not employees of the university because they are not really payed to work or play their sport. I don't think they should be payed because they are playing a sport that they enjoy and its a privilege to be playing those sports.

Monday, February 24, 2014


If I could write a law about anything I would make one that you have to at least try playing soccer before you die.


I would signed the petition because if your not going to be doing any work you shouldn't get paid.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


An outline of my bill would have to be to give the government a smaller amount of money to spend. These things will be paid for by some random bank.

Monday, February 10, 2014


The state I am representing in the mock congress will be Virginia.

1.For the past 13 years U.S. military spending has increased by 114 percent.

2.The U.S. uses money to purchase certain weapons in which they end up not\making it to production.

3.By 2033 the U.S. will be paying $59 billion a year to veterans injured in wars.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


If they want all the Twinkies and Pop to their selves then they can go right ahead and do that, but I believe people on food stamps shouldn't be aloud to get anything they want.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BR-2/4/14 WAR

1. I would tax students each time they enter the school building or leave it. Also, I would get volunteers to go around  and collect money, but I would keep guards with these volunteers to make sure they didn't take money from this collection.

2.I would go about asking volunteers that know how to fire a gun and use it efficiently. They would also have to be between the age of twenty and thirty-five. With joining my cause they would be given food two times a day and they would get paid in gum.

3.Flying shoes would be the way the soldiers mail would be delivered to them and as well they would get a shoe for no reason.

4. Any forces and supplies given to this cause would be refunded.  

Friday, January 31, 2014


I would build it if it could solve problems and not create them.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

four things I've learned today-1/30/14

1.Congress can't really get arrested unless they kill someone.
2. They can't tariff interstate trade.
3.They can get away with basically anything they want to do.
4.They can regulate trade.


If weather conditions cooperated it could most definitely happen here. I have lived in Nevada in which they weren't use to snow and they got out of school for barely any snow. I find them funny because they should be better prepared for the unexpected weather. 

Friday, January 17, 2014


I believe the coach is justified in suing because of his injuries, but its pretty pathetic to sue a kid for accidentally hurting you. If he was not hurt from the helmet hitting him then he shouldn't be suing, but he isn't at fault int his case.The amount at which he is suing for isn't even a reasonable amount.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Senate Outline

The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
Represent-entire state
A continuous body:because only a certain amount of seats are given up
Term Length:6 years
Term Limit:none
Originally elected by:state legislatures
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the millionaires club due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
Exceptions:death and retirement.
  1. 30 years of age 
  2. state resident 
  3. citizen of the us for 9 years
  1. mainly money
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on three occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a 2/3 majority  vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done 15 times
14 of which were during the Civil War

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


My favorite president would have to be John F. Kennedy because he was a great leader even.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014


It's normal to hear these types of things because many people in West Virginia are stupid and do stupid things. West Virginia has a bad reputation for being full of dumb people, but most people from West Virginia actually are very smart unlike what some people think of us.

Friday, January 10, 2014


1.I believe that they will be able to to have a safe and secure Olympics.

2.I'd rather not take the chance of dieing due to another bombing.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


1.I'd say it would be up to the parents unless the state says otherwise.

2.I would give the person time and see if they recover.