Thursday, March 6, 2014

We're going to miss Mr.Grady because he's the best! (notes)

  • The president is the chief of state
  • The president has the most powerful position in the united states
  • The president sets congressional agenda
  • The president leads the executive branch
  • You have to be at least 35 years old to be the president   
  • The 25th amendment made it so the vice president takes over once the president dies.                      
  • The president selects the vice president if this position becomes unoccupied
  • Presidential nominations begin with fundraising
  • Presidential nominations later go in conventions
  • Each state sent delegates based on electoral votes
  • Primaries device is what each party uses to select its nomination for president
  • New Hampshire is always the first primary, in which is typically front loaded like all others
  • Began as winner takes all
  • Caucuses are closed meeting of a political party which gather to select delegates to the national convention
  • The second day of the conventional convention is to note key address's
  • Day three is when the selection or affirmation for vice president candidate is known
  • Nominee characteristics typically they have a long run of political experience
  • Most of the time candidates from larger states win
  • Perception matters when it comes to running for president

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