Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Notes 4/1/14-4/8/14

  • A heterogeneous society is composed of different people or cultures.
  • An immigrant is a person that assumed to be legal within a different country.
  • Reservation is public land given to the native Americans  by the government.
  • A refugee is somebody that moves to another country to seek protection.
  • Assimilation is when you change your culture to adapt to a different culture.
  • populations that have grown would be: African american, Hispanic and Asian american.
  • Minority populations exceed white populations in Texas and California.
  • More females then men 
  • African Americans have been treated bad longer then most 
  • American settlers have brought diseases that hurt Indian population
  • Poverty  plagues many reservations today
  • Hispanic Americans have a Spanish speaking background  
  • Chinese laborers often faced violence due to taking whites jobs
  • Railroads were being built by Chinese laborers 
  • Chinese exclusion act of 1882 lasted for 80 years
  • All Japanese were evacuated from the u.s.
  • Congress eventually admitted that it was wrong to do so
  • Those who oppose Civil rights often believe you cant change morality
  • Judicial decrees may not change the heart but they can restrain the heartless
  • 1870-1950: no meaningful legislation
  • Civil rights act of 1964 passed after 83 days
  • Voting provisions were changed^
  • public services^
  • federal funding programs^
  • employers and labor unions can also not discriminate^
  • 1968=housing act- cannot refuse selling living space to a person due to race or religion 
  • Equal opportunities must be given to both women and men
  • Affirmative action requires employers to take positive steps to fix the affects of past discrimination
  • employers must meet quotas
  • reverse discrimination  is discrimination against the majority group
  • The Bakke Case  was when Allan Bakke sued the university of California because he was denied access to their medical school 
  • Quotas can be used when needed
  • Within the next 25 years the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary  
  • A citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the u.s.
  • before 1860 citizenship didn't matter
  • constitution declares that a person becomes an american citizen in two way: by birth or naturalization
  • 90% of Americans are citizens  by birth
  • naturalization is the legal process by which a person can become a citizen 
  • naturalization is done individually 
  • Congress can not take away your citizenship 
  • marriage does not make you a citizen 
  • congress has exclusive power to regulate the crossing of the nations borders
  • 270,000 immigrants are allowed into the u.s. each year 
  • 670,000 immigrants can today enter the u.s. each year
  • People can be denied entrance to the u.s by there characteristics
  • biggest reason for deportation are, illegal immigrant, or conviction of a serious crime   

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