Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment for 10/29/13

1. Why is the boulder look like the capital?
Because republican's don't usually agree with the capital's decisions.
2.Why is one of the people and elephant?
Because he is a republican.
3.Why does the third guy have voters labeled on his shirt sleeve?
Because voters pay his salary.
4.Why does the first person think they are hero's?
Because they broke the government.
5.Why does the first person shirt say "don't tread on me"?
Because you shouldn't follow ones bad decisions.

1.Let your eyes "float" over the cartoon.
2.Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus.
3.Determine the audience.
4.Understand the context of the cartoon.
5.Look for widely recognized symbols.
6.Look at minor details in the cartoon  that will contribute to the humor of the cartoon.

Learning Activity
Symbolism-The practice of representing things by symbols.
Exaggeration-the act of overstating
Labeling-a slip of paper that has the creators name on it
Analogy-similarity between two like things
Irony-the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning.

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