Wednesday, December 11, 2013


1. They do have a right, but they shouldn't.

2.They would be against this because some companies say they won't invade your privacy, but the NSA does anyways.


1.I don't believe the police have the right to do the same as the NSA unless the have probable cause to spy on someones cellphone.

2. Yes, because you can't have very much privacy.

1.Because you can find terrorists everywhere in world even on online games.

2.Other areas could be social networking sites.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Debate Notes 12/6/13

-Believe that all citizens should be able to vote no matter what their position is.

-Believes that people that choose to disobey the rules should not be able to vote.

Debate questions on "prisoners voting"

Pro: What benefits would their be from letting prisoners vote?

Con: Why should prisoners have the right to vote?


1.Mandela has received more than 250 awards.
2. Mandel was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1993.
3.Mandela was elected president of south Africa in 1994.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1. I'm not sure if this could also happen in the us or not.

2. It shows that the father likes to have money and doesn't really care to much about his wife.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It is controversial because many people believe differently with what he is saying.

Monday, December 2, 2013


1. Prisoners shouldn't be able to vote because they would most likely choose someone that shouldn't be voted for.

2.I believe after a certain amount of time felons should be able to vote.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Debate Questions 11/21/13 "prayer"

Pro:Why can't people pray when they want to?

Con:Would praying near others in public make them uncomfortable?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


1. They think that the speech as "silly remarks" and isn't very important.

2.In other parts of the union it is that it was one of the most important words ever spoken.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I believe that anyone that wants to pray before hand should and anyone that doesn't want to do so shouldn't.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Notes for debate 11/14/13

-believe that terminally ill people should be able to die
- believes that there is no other choice
-believes that people should be able to choose when they want to die

-believe that euthanasia shouldn't be an option
-believe that people shouldn't choose to die because they could live longer
-assisted suicides can never be controlled
- can affect more then just yourself when you choose euthanasia

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Debate Questions 11/13/13

Pro:What would be the benefits of this?

Con: What if the person was mentally ill and didn't actually want to die?


1.I agree with the decision because many trainers have died with performing with the animals.

2.I believe it is not a violation for sea world because of the risk and yes the trainer should be able to take the risk if they want.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I would have done the same as the hunter because I wouldn't want too live my life paralyzed.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Debate notes 11/8/13 "Organ"

-believe that when your dead you should donate your organ when you die
-every 10 minutes a person is put on the organ list
-with people being made to donate their organs when they die it could lower prices of organs.

-believe that you should be able to do whatever you want with your body after you die
-believe that with donating organs the population would increase to much

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Debate question's

Pro question: What would the benefit's be from making people be organ downers?

Con question: Why should people have to be forced to be organ downers?

Questions's for debate

Pro question: What stops kids from drinking before their 18 now?

Con question: How will changing the age limit for drinking affect other people?


1.I disagree with Kmart because with making this decision people will just act more crazy. Also many people may get hurt due to this change.

2.The way they deal with gay rights is a lot different from the way we deal with them in the u.s. In Russia they are most definitely  more harsher when it comes to gay rights.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Assignment for 10/30/13

Review of 5 cartoon's
1."Right to Vote"-this cartoon basically explains that you should practice the right to vote.
2."Cruz Control"-basically shows Cruz driving a elephant off a cliff.
3."Repeal Obama care"-This cartoon shows a wood pecker pecking at an elephants leg.
4."Jobs"-This cartoon shows a person saying there will be jobs and citizens are saying when,where,and how.
5."Proper ID"-this cartoons shows a lady watching a shows that is about how hard it is to vote now. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.It will effect voters by making it harder for them to get their voters license.

2.They can violate the rights of voters because most people have the right to vote.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Notes on debate 11/1/13 "Drinking Age"

-affirmative believe that when your 18 you should be able to drink since you can do so many other things like smoking
-affirmative shows that statistics show that drunk driving accident are lowered due to the drinking age limit being lower.
-affirmative shows that age doesn't matter and kids will still drink.
-Affirmative believe more car crashes would give more jobs....

-con believe that letting kids drink when they are 18 would be dumb because it would make driving more dangerous
-con say that in different countries with lower drinking limit's has increased drunk driving accidents.
-con they say that with lowering the drinking age limit that car insurance would be raised.


1.It was most definitely not a justifiable shooting.

2. It shows that society is going bad.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


1.I believe it is very harsh because I believe that the kids are already aware of there shape or size.

2.I believe that it is a right to give the letters to the kid, but its not very appropriate for a holiday.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


1. The trend in Virginia is young people are voting democratically.

2. It is about the same throughout america.

3.It may affect future elections by making certain people win.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment for 10/29/13

1. Why is the boulder look like the capital?
Because republican's don't usually agree with the capital's decisions.
2.Why is one of the people and elephant?
Because he is a republican.
3.Why does the third guy have voters labeled on his shirt sleeve?
Because voters pay his salary.
4.Why does the first person think they are hero's?
Because they broke the government.
5.Why does the first person shirt say "don't tread on me"?
Because you shouldn't follow ones bad decisions.

1.Let your eyes "float" over the cartoon.
2.Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus.
3.Determine the audience.
4.Understand the context of the cartoon.
5.Look for widely recognized symbols.
6.Look at minor details in the cartoon  that will contribute to the humor of the cartoon.

Learning Activity
Symbolism-The practice of representing things by symbols.
Exaggeration-the act of overstating
Labeling-a slip of paper that has the creators name on it
Analogy-similarity between two like things
Irony-the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning.


1.I believe the fat test is legal because you would want the best of best to be in the military.

2.Your weight does not make you fit because you can be a normal weight and not be fit.

3.I would let the military decide what to do with this situation.

Monday, October 28, 2013


1. I believe the writer is correct if his facts are right.

2.I feel that he is correct though I am not sure if this ever happened.

3.I feel that there is still an issue because people still hold a grudge against what happened with that flag long ago.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Civic's assignment for 10/25/13

1. Disaffected, along with 11% of the public.
3. left Authoritarian 
4.35% conservative, and 65% liberal

       After taking these quizzes I have found that I am independent. I most definitely agree with this because I am. I believe that taxes should be lowered and also that war is usually a waste of time. I like to make decision's on my own without other peoples help. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Assignment for 10/22/13

1.        For each of the parties listed below, identify the 1-the party’s major beliefs 2-the groups that generally supported the party. 

Origins  (to 1800)

Anti federalists: favored a very limited role for the new government created by the Constitution. Jefferson.
Federalists: They supported the ratification of the Constitution. They worked to create a stronger Government. Supporters believed the Constitution was needed to protect the liberty and independence.

Democrats: They believed in voting rights for all white males, a big increase in the number of elected offices around the country. Supporters of this were small farmers and slaveholders.
Whigs: Opposed to the tenets of the Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tariff. Supporters of this were bankers and merchants.

Democrats: Opposed sectionalism and pushed the nation’s party politics back towards the economic arena. Supporters of this were businesses.
Republicans: One of the major beliefs was rights for african americans. Supporters of this were farmers and newly freed slaves.
Democrats:A very strong belief they had was restoring the nation’s economic and social life. Supporters of this were farmers and political organizations.
Republicans: Their belief was that they wanted to restore the nation’s economic and social life. Supporters were northerners and manufacturers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


1.yes,because its not a very serious case because he was laughing about the it.

2.I believe they should be charged with destruction of property because the did destroy something that wasn't theirs without care.

Monday, October 21, 2013


1. It's to hard for people to break away from devices because most people use devices everyday.

2.I could live without my devices ,but I wouldn't be in a very good mood each day with out them.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


1. I believe that the two girls should be charged if they pushed a girl to the point of going and jumping off a cement factory.

2.A misdemeanor is a less charged offense and a felony is a harsher punishment for a harsher act.

3. One thing you could do to fight bullying is to make it clearer to younger age groups to what effect bullying can do to someone.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


You can prevent it by getting rid of dumb people like this or by teaching kids not to take money to do things like this.

Monday, October 14, 2013

"People that have made a difference"

Alice Paul
-lead a successful campaign
-grew up in new jersey

Margret Sanger
-parents were very political activists which influenced her
-she was very politically active

-Peace maker
-Great peace maker

Andrew Carnegie
-born in Scotland
-age of 13 worked for a railroad

Eva Peron
-lost her father when she was 6
-when 15 moved to become actress

Herriott Grace
-mom died when she was 4
-family was very religious

John Keynes
-had many affairs when he was married
-died from a heart attack

Frances Willard
-best known for passage in 1819
-was born in New York

Betty Williams
-won novel peace prize in 1976
-talked a lot about peace

Emmeline Pankhurst
-1913 government passed cat and mouse act
-died after British women were granted rights to vote

Helena Rubinstein
-1953 started cosmetic line
-provided funds

Edward Jenner
-studied surgery when he was 14
-made small pocks vaccine

-born may 1984
-wrote over 2000 writings and poems

Dorothy Hodgkins
-born May 12,1912
-good influence


It differed from past protests because they are more violent in actions and words now days.

Friday, October 11, 2013


1. I believe that when the government re-opens they should be force to pay for whatever the parks has to pay to re-open.

2.The Grand Canyon because I have visited it before and would like to go visit it again.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


1.It shows they do not agree with one another which would cause a lot of problems.

2.I would ratify this situation by getting rid of the problem.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


1. I believe there should be a limit on campaign funds, because anyone could win if the acquire the right amount of money.

2.You should be able to give your money to anyone you want too.

3. A person shouldn't be limited to what they spend be cause its their money to spend so they should have the right to use that money in any way they need or want.

4.It would change the way people campaign today by making it a lot easier to campaign.    

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eugene V. Debs

Eugene Victor Debs was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. The need for employment ended his schooling at age 14, when he became a fireman on a local railroad. Later he took night classes at the local business college in his spare time. Giving up his job as railroad fireman in 1874, he took up another job as a billing clerk in the wholesale grocery firm of Hulman & Cox.

June 16, 1918—Debs made his famous anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, protesting World War I which was raging in Europe. For this speech he was arrested and convicted in federal court in Cleveland, Ohio under the war-time espionage law. He was his own attorney and his appeal to the jury and his statement to the court before sentencing, are regarded as two of the great classic statements ever made in a court of law. He was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison.


I disagree with them changing their name because if it was bad when they first came up with the name for the redskins then they'll should have changed it or said something at that time.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandchild

In my life I have done many things to protect this country you call the U.S. I have served twenty years in the air force flying a fighter jet, in which I have destroyed many things. I have protected many lives though with doing so. With being with the air force i have came up with new advances in technology to better enhance the use of weapons.  


1. It shows that its not very secure because a nine year old can get on a plane without someone noticing.

2. I'm not very surprised because nothing is completely secure in life.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1.What's the point in shutting down the government?

2.How long have past shutdowns lasted?

3.Is there ever any real resolution to this problem?

Monday, September 30, 2013


1. All of these links are alike because they all half to do with the U.S. going through bad things, which may happen again tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I believe that violent video games do not turn people in to bad people or sway them to do things like. I think this because i play violent video games and I've never done thing like this. But I believe that the only thing that would cause people to go into the real world and do things like this. So I don't believe video games will make people to do violent things.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


1.Looking for drugs,violence,and bullying within their school.

2.I believe it is an invasion of some students privacy because some students don't do anything  that is considered bad. Also it wouldn't be because most students do eventually bully someone in their life time.

3.I would most likely not like the idea of this being applied to Barbour county district because /i believe it would be a invasion of privacy to most students.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


1.It shows that most Americans don't respect other people in what they accomplish in life.

2.The civil rights movement has not changed anything, because people are still hated upon for their raise.

Monday, September 16, 2013


It basically talks about four little girls that were killed in a bombing. Also one of the little girls sister's lost an eye. The blast from the bomb destroy a lot of things. Also this church was a black church.

Friday, September 13, 2013


The significance of this is that there are still Taliban out there. War must have been a failure because they didn't fix any problems with it. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


1.Job seekers will view this as a good thing because less people would not have jobs.

2. I think economy is improving in some ways, but not in other ways.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I believe that if you are looking at certain things on the internet that they should be able to look at what your doing. I think this because it could prevent bad things from happening in the future. Also that they could find information on certain people if they need to. I think that they should look at the persons background before looking at what these people are doing on the internet. So Anyone privacy should be at stake if they are researching anything related to what terrorists may do.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. McDonald's shouldn't change prices on the dollar menu because it should one be a dollar for that menu.

2.They should be paid a fair wage,but nothing better then anyone else that works at a Mcdonalds.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


1.A person should pursue a degree that would benefit them.

2.How much someone would be making and places people could get jobs at around the world.

3.This would make me want to go to college more because it tells you how people make more money with going to college.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. I think that their privacy is being invaded because their informations should be their's.

2.I dont know if this comply's with facebook term's and condition's.

3. It depends on what information they would be looking at.

Friday, August 30, 2013


I think that they should have aloud the party of 25 into the restaurant and also made the white man leave if he was thought he was being threatened.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have A Dream Assignment

"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice"

     I think that he said this because he was tired of being treated wrong with the rest of blacks at the time. He wanted black's to rise to justice to get what they deserved, which would be justice's. Ithink he also wanted for white's and black's to be intergrated.

     This applied to the time period because black's were treated very badly unlike white's. This stayed the same for a long time nd is still some what the same as it was back then.

BR- 8/29/13

1.Emancipation proclamation decree came as a great beacon of light.
2.Black's and white's would be guarnteed eqaulity.
3.Martin Luther King said that people would be judge on day by not their color of skin but who they actually were as a person.
4.One day white's and black's would be able to go to school with each other.
5.They had given negro's a bad check.
6.One day they would be free at last.
7.After a 100 years negro's where still treated the same.
8.They were tired of police brutality.
9.He said that white's and black's were still not eqaul.
10.Some of the thing's he had mentioned are still the same.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


1.Both boys should be tried as adults because they shouldn't get away with what they did.

2.It should be up too the victims of the crime to choose if the identity's of the two boys should be undisclosed. 

3.We as a society can keep this from happening by trying to stop others from doing things like this.