Thursday, February 27, 2014


I believe that college athletes are not employees of the university because they are not really payed to work or play their sport. I don't think they should be payed because they are playing a sport that they enjoy and its a privilege to be playing those sports.

Monday, February 24, 2014


If I could write a law about anything I would make one that you have to at least try playing soccer before you die.


I would signed the petition because if your not going to be doing any work you shouldn't get paid.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


An outline of my bill would have to be to give the government a smaller amount of money to spend. These things will be paid for by some random bank.

Monday, February 10, 2014


The state I am representing in the mock congress will be Virginia.

1.For the past 13 years U.S. military spending has increased by 114 percent.

2.The U.S. uses money to purchase certain weapons in which they end up not\making it to production.

3.By 2033 the U.S. will be paying $59 billion a year to veterans injured in wars.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


If they want all the Twinkies and Pop to their selves then they can go right ahead and do that, but I believe people on food stamps shouldn't be aloud to get anything they want.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BR-2/4/14 WAR

1. I would tax students each time they enter the school building or leave it. Also, I would get volunteers to go around  and collect money, but I would keep guards with these volunteers to make sure they didn't take money from this collection.

2.I would go about asking volunteers that know how to fire a gun and use it efficiently. They would also have to be between the age of twenty and thirty-five. With joining my cause they would be given food two times a day and they would get paid in gum.

3.Flying shoes would be the way the soldiers mail would be delivered to them and as well they would get a shoe for no reason.

4. Any forces and supplies given to this cause would be refunded.