Wednesday, December 11, 2013


1. They do have a right, but they shouldn't.

2.They would be against this because some companies say they won't invade your privacy, but the NSA does anyways.


1.I don't believe the police have the right to do the same as the NSA unless the have probable cause to spy on someones cellphone.

2. Yes, because you can't have very much privacy.

1.Because you can find terrorists everywhere in world even on online games.

2.Other areas could be social networking sites.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Debate Notes 12/6/13

-Believe that all citizens should be able to vote no matter what their position is.

-Believes that people that choose to disobey the rules should not be able to vote.

Debate questions on "prisoners voting"

Pro: What benefits would their be from letting prisoners vote?

Con: Why should prisoners have the right to vote?


1.Mandela has received more than 250 awards.
2. Mandel was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1993.
3.Mandela was elected president of south Africa in 1994.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1. I'm not sure if this could also happen in the us or not.

2. It shows that the father likes to have money and doesn't really care to much about his wife.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It is controversial because many people believe differently with what he is saying.

Monday, December 2, 2013


1. Prisoners shouldn't be able to vote because they would most likely choose someone that shouldn't be voted for.

2.I believe after a certain amount of time felons should be able to vote.