Thursday, November 21, 2013

Debate Questions 11/21/13 "prayer"

Pro:Why can't people pray when they want to?

Con:Would praying near others in public make them uncomfortable?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


1. They think that the speech as "silly remarks" and isn't very important.

2.In other parts of the union it is that it was one of the most important words ever spoken.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I believe that anyone that wants to pray before hand should and anyone that doesn't want to do so shouldn't.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Notes for debate 11/14/13

-believe that terminally ill people should be able to die
- believes that there is no other choice
-believes that people should be able to choose when they want to die

-believe that euthanasia shouldn't be an option
-believe that people shouldn't choose to die because they could live longer
-assisted suicides can never be controlled
- can affect more then just yourself when you choose euthanasia

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Debate Questions 11/13/13

Pro:What would be the benefits of this?

Con: What if the person was mentally ill and didn't actually want to die?


1.I agree with the decision because many trainers have died with performing with the animals.

2.I believe it is not a violation for sea world because of the risk and yes the trainer should be able to take the risk if they want.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I would have done the same as the hunter because I wouldn't want too live my life paralyzed.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Debate notes 11/8/13 "Organ"

-believe that when your dead you should donate your organ when you die
-every 10 minutes a person is put on the organ list
-with people being made to donate their organs when they die it could lower prices of organs.

-believe that you should be able to do whatever you want with your body after you die
-believe that with donating organs the population would increase to much

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Debate question's

Pro question: What would the benefit's be from making people be organ downers?

Con question: Why should people have to be forced to be organ downers?

Questions's for debate

Pro question: What stops kids from drinking before their 18 now?

Con question: How will changing the age limit for drinking affect other people?


1.I disagree with Kmart because with making this decision people will just act more crazy. Also many people may get hurt due to this change.

2.The way they deal with gay rights is a lot different from the way we deal with them in the u.s. In Russia they are most definitely  more harsher when it comes to gay rights.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Assignment for 10/30/13

Review of 5 cartoon's
1."Right to Vote"-this cartoon basically explains that you should practice the right to vote.
2."Cruz Control"-basically shows Cruz driving a elephant off a cliff.
3."Repeal Obama care"-This cartoon shows a wood pecker pecking at an elephants leg.
4."Jobs"-This cartoon shows a person saying there will be jobs and citizens are saying when,where,and how.
5."Proper ID"-this cartoons shows a lady watching a shows that is about how hard it is to vote now. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


1.It will effect voters by making it harder for them to get their voters license.

2.They can violate the rights of voters because most people have the right to vote.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Notes on debate 11/1/13 "Drinking Age"

-affirmative believe that when your 18 you should be able to drink since you can do so many other things like smoking
-affirmative shows that statistics show that drunk driving accident are lowered due to the drinking age limit being lower.
-affirmative shows that age doesn't matter and kids will still drink.
-Affirmative believe more car crashes would give more jobs....

-con believe that letting kids drink when they are 18 would be dumb because it would make driving more dangerous
-con say that in different countries with lower drinking limit's has increased drunk driving accidents.
-con they say that with lowering the drinking age limit that car insurance would be raised.


1.It was most definitely not a justifiable shooting.

2. It shows that society is going bad.