Monday, September 30, 2013


1. All of these links are alike because they all half to do with the U.S. going through bad things, which may happen again tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I believe that violent video games do not turn people in to bad people or sway them to do things like. I think this because i play violent video games and I've never done thing like this. But I believe that the only thing that would cause people to go into the real world and do things like this. So I don't believe video games will make people to do violent things.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


1.Looking for drugs,violence,and bullying within their school.

2.I believe it is an invasion of some students privacy because some students don't do anything  that is considered bad. Also it wouldn't be because most students do eventually bully someone in their life time.

3.I would most likely not like the idea of this being applied to Barbour county district because /i believe it would be a invasion of privacy to most students.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


1.It shows that most Americans don't respect other people in what they accomplish in life.

2.The civil rights movement has not changed anything, because people are still hated upon for their raise.

Monday, September 16, 2013


It basically talks about four little girls that were killed in a bombing. Also one of the little girls sister's lost an eye. The blast from the bomb destroy a lot of things. Also this church was a black church.

Friday, September 13, 2013


The significance of this is that there are still Taliban out there. War must have been a failure because they didn't fix any problems with it. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


1.Job seekers will view this as a good thing because less people would not have jobs.

2. I think economy is improving in some ways, but not in other ways.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I believe that if you are looking at certain things on the internet that they should be able to look at what your doing. I think this because it could prevent bad things from happening in the future. Also that they could find information on certain people if they need to. I think that they should look at the persons background before looking at what these people are doing on the internet. So Anyone privacy should be at stake if they are researching anything related to what terrorists may do.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


1. McDonald's shouldn't change prices on the dollar menu because it should one be a dollar for that menu.

2.They should be paid a fair wage,but nothing better then anyone else that works at a Mcdonalds.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


1.A person should pursue a degree that would benefit them.

2.How much someone would be making and places people could get jobs at around the world.

3.This would make me want to go to college more because it tells you how people make more money with going to college.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. I think that their privacy is being invaded because their informations should be their's.

2.I dont know if this comply's with facebook term's and condition's.

3. It depends on what information they would be looking at.