Friday, August 30, 2013


I think that they should have aloud the party of 25 into the restaurant and also made the white man leave if he was thought he was being threatened.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have A Dream Assignment

"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice"

     I think that he said this because he was tired of being treated wrong with the rest of blacks at the time. He wanted black's to rise to justice to get what they deserved, which would be justice's. Ithink he also wanted for white's and black's to be intergrated.

     This applied to the time period because black's were treated very badly unlike white's. This stayed the same for a long time nd is still some what the same as it was back then.

BR- 8/29/13

1.Emancipation proclamation decree came as a great beacon of light.
2.Black's and white's would be guarnteed eqaulity.
3.Martin Luther King said that people would be judge on day by not their color of skin but who they actually were as a person.
4.One day white's and black's would be able to go to school with each other.
5.They had given negro's a bad check.
6.One day they would be free at last.
7.After a 100 years negro's where still treated the same.
8.They were tired of police brutality.
9.He said that white's and black's were still not eqaul.
10.Some of the thing's he had mentioned are still the same.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


1.Both boys should be tried as adults because they shouldn't get away with what they did.

2.It should be up too the victims of the crime to choose if the identity's of the two boys should be undisclosed. 

3.We as a society can keep this from happening by trying to stop others from doing things like this.